Hurt by the Elephant and the Donkey? Then look to the Lamb! Do you feel hurt by your political leaders? The answer is the Lamb!
Tag: Lamb

Passover – The Jewish holiday that is a celebration of liberation from Egyptian slavery. Occurs usually doing Holy Week, Easter. (One of the Three Pilgrimage Festivals). #Passover

Easter Symbols – Easter is replete with many recognized symbols. Tradition plays an important role in Easter celebrations for many families. Cherished traditions and symbols of Easter may include anything from egg hunts to lilies to lambs. Understanding the importance behind these symbols can make sharing the miracle of Easter that much more special. #Easter #EasterSymbols

Twas A Sheep Not a Lamb – Here is a really cool poem by Minnie Lee Bovender about it was a sheep not a lamb. It is a must read!

This is the song Come Lord Jesus by Christian Theological Rapper Shai Linne. I am also sharing the lyrics to this song. featuring Joint Heirs. #ShaiLinne

Regeneration by Shai Linne
This is the video song and lyrics to the song Regeneration by Shai Linne. Shai Linne is a Christian Rapper who raps Biblical & Theological truths. #ShaiLinne #Regeneration

An Easter Church Sign that says it Not About the Bunny. Find out what it says it is about.