First ever recipient of Zaevion Dobson scholarship graduates from UT (University of Tennessee). That person is Uriah Richey, a pre-law student. #ZaevionDobson #UriahRichey
Tag: Fulton High School

No Greater Love than one to lay down their life for another. Zaevion Dobson, Fulton High School Football player gave his life to save three others. There was also someone else who gave His life to save everyone. That was Jesus. Would you show great love by giving up your life for another? #ZaevionDobson #24Strong #FultonFalcons #FultonHIghSchool #NoGreaterLove #bgbg2 #ccf #JesusChrist #ZaevionDobsonDay

Helped with the High School Football – while I was in high school for a few years back to back, I got to help one of our teachers, Mr. Wright and the football.

Hard to believe but my daughter, Amber Graduated High School, being in the class of 2016. I am so proud of her. They grow up so fast!

I am a graphic designer! I want to share with you about being a graphic designer. I have been in this field most of my whole life. I started out in graphic design in high school and continued in college in the study.