I want to take this time to share a blog entry without giving everything away. I thought this was a great idea and I thought my readers may enjoy this too. This a great way to spend with the family and get creative and leave a lasting impression. This DIY Drive-In Movie night idea comes from Plaid Dad Blog. Maybe this is a great way to spend your Father’s Day and all the time with your children. Do movies at home!
PlaidDadBlog: DIY Drive-In Movie Night Idea
Check out the idea at the blog entry for an unforgettable night!
Again this idea is not mine! I thought it was a neat idea and asked for permission to share this and got it, so I am sharing with my readers this idea.

I believe this is a very creative way to spend with the family. It also gets the children involved and help with their creativity skills. It can be an educational lesson too. On shapes and even maybe parts of the car as you build these box cars for the movie. You could also incorporate a type of Bible lesson in it too.
I think if I had a young child, I would do this!
Maybe Church Group For the Children
This might be a great way for your church group when you do a movie night with the children. I do believe this would make a great night for the family too. It looks very simple to make too. There aren’t that many steps to follow.
This dad got creative with the children. Each child got to paint and decorate a box and turn it into a car. A Car where they can sit and watch the family movie as if they were at the drive in. You would need special equipment if you wanted to do it outside. It does have advantages of being outside, you can read about that at PlaidDadBlog. You can also have individual cups and popcorn bags for each child too.
The great thing is you can get free boxes from your local grocery or retail stores.
Below is a quote taken from that blog post.
I heartily recommend you give this – or something similar – a shot with your family. Your kids may forget the movie you watch, but they’ll not soon forget making their own roadsters and sitting beneath the stars with their friends and family.1
Check out the short and simple steps for the
DIY Drive-In Movie Night idea at plaiddadblog.com/
1. plaiddadblog.com/
Used by permission by plaiddadblog.com
First published November 6, 2015. Republishing June 15, 2016.
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