Metal for the Master – This ministry takes Christian Rock CDS and Gospel tracts and hands them out at rock concerts. This the ministry hopes to share the Gospel of Jesus to the unbelieving. Hoping the music will minister to them.
Metal for the Master Mission Statement
Our mission is to support Christian metal music, and to use it as a means to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost, and unsaved. We strive to distribute Christian metal CD’s at secular events to unbelievers, in the hopes that the music will minister to them. We also are devoted to witnessing the love of Christ to everyone we meet. If you do not yet know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, it is our prayer that you will seek Him today! He loves you, and He wants a personal relationship with you! There is no sin that He will not forgive. Start your new life in Christ today!
Mission statement taken directly from
About Metal for the Master
This is a newer ministry only starting this year, 2017 by John Branson of Crawfordsville, IN. Let’s keep this Christian Ministry in your prayers. Branson got the idea for this ministry after praying to God. He ask God what He wanted him to do in his life. “I love Christian metal and rock and was amazed at all of the bands out there with talent praising God and nobody has heard of them.” Branson told Patterson of Courageous Christian Father.
To Learn More!
You can learn more about this ministry at:
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Thank you for this article. May God bless you.
God bless you my brother and may God continue to use you in the Metal for the Master Ministry.