Frogger by Michael Jr.

Frogger by Michael Jr.

Frogger by Michael Jr.

Christian Comedian Michael Jr. plays Frogger, you remember that old game? He plays Frogger at the Charlotte, NC Airport. Check out this funny video. This video is very short, 1:29 in length. Michael Jr. found a great way to have fun at the airport.

Frogger is a 1981 arcade game on Sega.The point of the game was to get your frog across the street without getting hit, You could move forwards, backwards or sideways. It actually was a good old classic game. I am not much of a gamer, but I did like playing that game when I was a child. Us 80’s children should remember this game.

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Tid-bit about Michael Jr, taken from his bio page of his website.

Michael’s entry into comedy was almost preordained. Years ago in a crowded Grand Rapids, Michigan movie theater, the projector malfunctioned. The film snapped, the house lights came on, and acting on a dare, young Michael jumped in front of the restless crowd and took center stage. When the theater manager tried to usher him out, the audience demanded he stay… and Michael Jr. discovered his gift.

Learn more about Michael Jr at

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