Where does a pumpkin preach? The pulp-it.
Category: Christian Comedy

Spoiler Alert Comic here is a comic you’ll love where a man picks up a Bible and the cashier says spoiler alert – The hero comes back to life.

Gas prices funny – These gas prices are probably the reason the armies in the Book of Revelation are riding horses.#gasprices

Poor little piggy a cute comic about animals and what they are saying they did for Jesus.

Blizzard Doxology – A Doxology for those blessed with both winters weather and a sense of humor. #Doxology #BlizzardDoxology

Mary and Joseph 2020 by John Crist – Here is a funny video by Christian Comedian John Christ about what if Mary and Joseph was today in 2020. Mary and Joseph 2020 by John Crist Learn more about John Crist at johncristcomedy.com

Amazon Echo EK (Eastern Kentucky Edition) – Are you sick and tired of being misunderstood by your intelligent personal assistant because of your Eastern Kentucky accent?

You Can Judge God Comic by Adam Ford

If Bible Characters Took Uber – Christian comedian John Crist is at it again with Uber. This time if Bible Characters took Uber for a ride. Check out his video below. Check out his other video Uber Christian