Bread and Cup Poem by Steve Patterson

Bread and Cup, A poem written by Steve Patterson on 11/1/1998.

This is just one of the many poems written by Steve Patterson that has been shared on Courageous Christian Father. During my high school and college years, I wrote a lot of poems. Make sure you follow this blog so you won’t miss when a poem is published. I plan to share more of my older poems on here. I guess poetry was my start for writing.

Bread and Cup

Is Christ with you in your walk,
Can you come to Him and talk?
How bad does sin stand in your way?
Does it give you anything to say?
Do you put your trust in Him above?
Do you know He gave us great love?
That He gave His son to dies for everyone,
but there is those that still run.
As a reminder of His body was bread,
that was broken for us which led,
to the cup which had His blood that was shed,
of the sins of the world, nothing more to be said.

©1998 by Steve Patterson – If you use this poem, please make sure proper credit is given with the by line of Steve Patterson and ©1998.

About the Author


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