You Aborted Them …

You Aborted Them … A comic I saw floating around on Facebook. A Very strong but true message.

You Aborted Them …

This comic is from Sue Stewart from 2011. I thought I would share it.

You Aborted Them Comic
You Aborted Them Comic

This comic has a guy that appears to be angry with God. This caption reads, “If you are a loving and merciful God, WHY didn’t you send someone to cure cancer, or true leaders to govern US? What’s your problem GOD?

This comic shows Sue Stewart 2011 on it. Author unknown.

The reply from God is simple, “I DID! You aborted them!!”

This is so true! Remember abortion is murder. It is killing of an innocent life. How do you not know that child was suppose to be born to help cure cancer or become the next great leader that would make sure the nation is ran by God’s Standards? Help stop innocent killing of children. Abortion is murder!

I do agree, who knows that baby that you or someone else aborted, could have been the person that could have found the cure to cancer or other types of deadly diseases.

Check out 911 Babies a great ministry raising awareness about abortion.

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