Yes On 1 Logo

On November 4, 2014


Tennesseans will go to the pools to decide abortion policy for years to come. The lives of tens of thousands of unborn babies hang in the balance, as well as the safety and well-being of women and girls.

After more than a decade of work, sacrifice and prayers by Tennessee’s pro-life movement, voters will finally have a say on restoring common-sense regulation of abortion in our communities and state.

Regulation of abortion facilities.

Protection of the unborn.

Safeguards for women and girls.

Now is our time.

In 2000, four judges on the Tennessee Supreme Court created a so-called “right to abortion” in the Tennessee Constitution. As a result, common-ground safeguards were struck down as violating Tennessee’s new “fundamental right to abortion”. Even the state law requiring inspection and licensure of Tennessee’s unregulated abortion facilities was ruled unconstitutional.

Yes On 1 Poster
Yes On 1 Poster

Speak up for the silent.

After a decade-long effort to place pro-life Amendment 1 on the ballot, Tennessee votes will have a voice and a vote in the life and death matter of abortion. Passage of Amendment 1 is the first step toward restoring common-sense safeguards for women and children in our state.

Did you know?

Among the states in the southeast, Tennessee has the fewest restrictions on the practice of abortion.

Tennessee ranks third in the U.S. in the percentage of out-of-state women and girls seeking abortion.

Tennessee cannot enforce protections such as a short waiting period or informed consent for women considering abortion.

Let your voice be heard.

Approval of Amendment 1 will enable our elected officials to restore life-saving protections for the unborn and their mothers.

VOTE YES on Amendment 1 on November 4, 2014

Open thy mouth, judge righteously, plead the cause of the poor and needy. Proverbs 31:9

Early Voting

October 15-30, 2014

Why should I Vote Yes on 1

Simple answer it goes against God’s Law. Abortion is murder. God knows us before we were made in the womb. That shows life starts at conception. Check out my blog post on abortion.

Vote Yes on 1 to open the door for informed consent for women and girls considering abortion, inspection or regulation of abortion facilities, and hospitalization requirement for later term abortions.

More information

For more information on Amendment 1 or for volunteering, ordering yard signs or buttons, or giving opportunities visit:

Help Tennessee Say Yes on 1 by sharing using the social buttons below or copy paste the web address (url) above.

All info is from the Yes on 1 Ballot Committee flyer & web site. I was not paid to post this information, I posted it to raise awareness and to encourage my fellow Tennessee follower and Christians to Vote Yes on 1.

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3 thoughts on “Yes On 1 Tennessee!

  1. I totally agree! This amendment is so important. I personally think abortion should be abolished, but even those who are pro-choice should still vote yes because abortion needs safety regulations and all patients of any procedure deserve to be informed ‘truthfully’ before they chose to have a procedures, especially something as LIFE altering as abortion.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I appreciate it very much. Yes, I don’t feel it should be legal, but after all we are living the the World, sadly a world that is turning its eyes from God and His Laws. But, since we do have it, there needs to be regulations involved. Thanks for sharing and God Bless Allison.

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