A true friend will bring you closer to God

A true friend will bring you closer to God and not away. This true friend will know that God is the most important part of anyone’s life.

A true friend will bring you closer to God

A true friend will bring you closer to God

Some friends have told me, “Steve I need a friend, not a pastor.” My reply would be, no what you need is God! He is the answer to everything. He is the only one that heal, provide and fill void, that hole in the heart. The Bible tells us we must Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. A true friend will not take you away from God. This true friend will not cause any hindrances either. They will point to God. They will encourage you to run to God, not away from God.

Even Proverbs 18:24 tells us there is a friend that stickers closer than a brother. That is this godly friend. If you want any kind of relationship to work you must put God First. By having this Christ-Centered relationship it will help you focus on God. Having a Christ-Centered relationship works for any kind of relationships we have. A Boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. Even a husband and wife relationship. Plus, a friend to friend relationship. Let’s not forget our family relationships. The list can go on such as Church Relationships, Work Relationships, etc.

Remember it is all about God and not us!

Make sure you point your friends, family, acquaintances, etc. to God first!

About the Author

Author: Steve Patterson

A Christian Blogger that enjoys blogging about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays, sewing and much more. I have been blogging since 2004, however, I have been blogging on Courageous Christian Father since 2012. I enjoy listening to Christian Music. I am married with 1 daughter, 2 step-sons and a step daughter.

4 thoughts on “A true friend will bring you closer to God

  1. I always enjoy reading your ‘to the point’ POSTS, Steve. I just finished a study in Ephesians 4:21-24 and observing a billboard sign in front of a large church in the community. It read: MESSAGE FOR SUNDAY – “How to get along with your spouse”. My first thought was if you get close to the Lord in RELATIONSHIP, you’ll know how to get along with your spouse. You’ll also know how to get along with most everyone. As you state, we need to stay focused!

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