The Saturation Begins! I was amazed when I got home on Sept 6, 2013 and saw the 25 boxes with 100 in them each, that is 2,500 of these. I could just feel the power from the Holy Spirit in these books just walking up to my front door. Now to go to the youth and get the life book saturated out in the area schools and community.
thelifebook: The Saturation Begins
The Life Books came just in time, we are having our Block Party on Sept. 7, 2013 at Piedmont Baptist Church. So we can put these out as well.
I like handing out tracts and I believe the Gospel of John is one way to allow new Christians to get into the Word, an introductory to God’s Word you can say. Furthermore, most people will even tell you that the Gospel of John is a recommended book to start off with.

I really love the look of these books. They are nicely designed with black and red ink on white paper. So it is 2 toned. It even has Words of Jesus in red. Red for the blood of Jesus! I like how they have commentary throughout the Life Book too. You can tell who wrote the commentary based on the type style (front or handwriting that was done). I think the design and way it is laid out will draw attention and engage in reading with the youth.
My daughter as soon as I showed her one, she went to a neighbor and handed each one of the teen girls there each one. I am glad to see her get involve and want to spread the Gospel. My hope is that the other youth will too.Some youth will do it, and others won’t. That is okay, you don’t have to. I just know that my love of the Lord wants me to share with others.
My daughter says this looks more informational and
the notes seem that it would help understand it better.
The life book (thelifebook) not only contains the whole Gospel of John, in English Standard Version (ESV) but also commentary as well. These Gospel of Johns were done by the Gideon’s International. Now I am going to point out what the life book is, this comes straight from their page telling what it is. 5 inches by 5 inches, is the size of these Life Books, roughly the same size of a CD case.
Part 1 is God’s story before Jesus shows up on the scene. A quick re-telling of the first part of the Bible before Jesus arrives. The Life Book explains how things were great, then went bad and why Jesus has to come make things right.
Part 2 is straight from the Bible. It’s the story of Jesus while He was on Earth. He does some amazing stuff.
This part is about what God’s story means in your life. What does Jesus have to do with you? What is your role in the world God created, as well as, what does God want from you?
This part gives some help and answers for things you or your friends might be struggling with. The Bible is full of good answers and guidance for tough stuff in life. It’s God’s advice, so it has to be pretty good.
Confidence builder
As the youth hand out these thelifebook to the youth, I am sure it can help them build confidence to talk to others and share the good news with others too. Also it is great to share your testimony and get the youth comfortable sharing theirs too. For them to be disciples for Christ. Maybe these kids can face their fear. After all, we are called to be bold for Christ! Remember the Holy Spirit, is our helper and gives us the boldness! Yes, I am sure there will be some that won’t want the Life Book. But you still have to try to give them to people. Some youth might face some percussion, but remember, Jesus Christ was persecuted too.
the life book is given as a gift
These books are to be given as a gift, to approach a person in a loving way and offer them the gift. That gift can lead to them becoming saved and a gift that will turn into external life that only Jesus Christ offers. If someone doesn’t want one, just move on, as a matter of fact, it’s no big deal! You tried! Don’t pressure them to take one and don’t force them to take it either. Just move on and give it to another person! For example, pushing the Life Book or forcing someone to take it can and will ruin your own testimony.
When you hand them out, prayerful pray on who to give them out to, pray that the book will touch them and they come to know the Lord. Not to mention, prayer is powerful and works!
Feel free to subscribe to my blog as I post updates on this movement. How it may have affected my life. Being a youth leader, I am excited to see the Lord’s Word spread. One the life book at a time. The seeds will be spread.
Your ideas and thoughts wanted!
Are you or have you done the life book movement? If so I want to hear from you. Please feel free to share your stories, tips and such you may have in the comments section.
More my daughters take on the life book
It’s been almost a week since we got the life book to hand out. My daughter had handed out some already. She said she likes it and has been enjoying reading it and she likes how it breaks it down to make it easier to understand.
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The Life Book How To Video Series
Welcoming Video | Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3 | Video 4 | Give 5 Find 5 Video
The Life Book Blog Post
The Movement | The Saturation Begins
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