Cross Tree – Instead of a Christmas Tree people are putting up a Cross Tree for Christmas and also putting it up for Easter. #CrossTree #ChristmasTree
Tag: Christmas Tree

National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day – when do you take town that Chrstimas Tree? Did you know there is a national day for taking the Christmas Tree Down? #ChristmasTree

The Story of the Christmas Nail (Also known as The Tradition of the Christmas Nail). Most people will put the Christmas Nail on their Christmas Tree as a Christmas Ornament. #ChristmasNail

The Legend of the Three Trees – Follow along in this story about three trees. Usually heard around Easter, but also around Chrsitmas too. #ThreeTrees

National Christmas Tree Day – day for the beloved Christmas Tree that we put up and decorate. #ChristmasTree #ChristmasTreeDay

Christmas Carol Spotlight: O Christmas Tree – The history of and lyrics to “O Christmas Tree.” #ChristmasTree #OChristmasTree

Upside-Down Christmas Tree – That’s right you invert the Christmas Tree to where the tree top is on the floor, while the bottom of it is at the top.

The Christmas Tree that came to Life – As told by a reindeer who decorated a Christmas Tree and it came to life.