The Christmas Tree that Came to Life

The Christmas Tree that came to Life - As told by a reindeer who decorated a Christmas Tree and it came to life.

The Christmas Tree that came to Life – As told by a reindeer who decorated a Christmas Tree and it came to life.

The Christmas Tree that came to Life - As told by a reindeer who decorated a Christmas Tree and it came to life.
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You all are familiar with the Frosty the Snowman and how Frosty came to life from an old hat. Well, you will never believe this one I am about to share to you all. My Christmas tree came to life one day just like Frosty.

I was decorating my Christmas Tree like I always do each year. I got out my red and white decorations to decorate it. I plugged it in and lit it up. It was beautiful but it was missing something.

I went to RARM Thrift Store, Reindeer Area Rescue Ministry, to help those rescue reindeer out with my purchase. I found this unusual Christmas Tree Start Topper. Best of all it was red to go with my red themed three.

I took it home and looked at it. It reminded me of the Christmas Star that led the shepherd to the Baby Jesus.

I got my step ladder out and placed the Christmas Star on top of my Christmas Tree and stepped back to admire it. I began to notice it move a little.

Next thing I know that Christmas Tree came to life and said ….


I was a little scared, you see, I just got done watching A Christmas Carol.

The Christmas Tree began to tell me I had nothing to fear. He said he wanted to share the Christmas Story with me and my herd.

He said we must not make haste and gather all of the herd to the town square. So I shouted and proclaimed the whole herd must go to the down square.

As I looked back, I could see the tree hopping. After all, he does only have one leg. So he had to hop to the town square. That is when he told my whole herd about the Christmas Story.

The herd couldn’t believe what they were seeing or hearing a talking living Christmas Tree. So they pondered and took to heart what the Christmas Tree was saying.

Once he was done we back to my cave and he told me, never to worry. That each year when I decorate him, he will come back to life with the Christmas Star to share the Good News to the herd.

Guess what! My herd went to other herds and shared the Gospel (Good News to them too).

So go out there and share the Good News!

This blog post came from a Creative Writing Prompt:

Personification means giving human traits, such as feelings and thoughts, to objects. Personify your Christmas tree. Write a story from the Christmas tree’s point of view.

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