Spot and Stalk or Spot and Sulk – Outdoor Truths

Spot and Stalk or Spot and Sulk - Outdoor Truths by Gary Miller

This is this weeks Outdoor Truth with Gary Miller titled Spot and Stalk or Spot and Sulk.

Outdoor Truths – Spot and Stalk or Spot and Sulk

One of the more popular ways of hunting is called “spot and stalk”. This type of hunting is done on the ground, moving quietly through the woods, looking for an unsuspecting deer. When a deer is spotted (hence the word spot), a hunter stalks (hence the word stalk) in order to get close enough to shoot the animal with his bow or gun. Sounds good doesn’t it? It looks even better on the Outdoor Channel. But “Houston, we have a problem.” My spot and stalk usually turns into spot and sulk. It goes something like this. I snap, crackle, and pop through the woods. The deer spot me, run away, and I sulk all the way back to the truck. Hey, I admit I’m no “great white hunter,” but I figured I was as good as most of the guys and gals on T.V. Once again, I was wrong. Even though this type of hunting can be fun, most of the time it is the result of being bored in the tree stand and deciding that the area you are not in looks better than the one you are in. I find it that way in fishing also. Why is it when your fishing from the bank you always cast towards the middle and when you’re fishing from a boat you always cast towards the bank? It seems we all think the grass is always greener on the other side.

Have you ever noticed how a lot of things look good on T.V.? Every woman is a beauty queen and every man looks like he just graduated from a modeling agency. Commercials lead us to believe that if we use their product all of our lives will change for the good. I have bought a lot of hunting and fishing gimmicks over the years only to find out they were not “as advertised.”  All of this is really a ploy to make us think the grass is greener anywhere, with anything, and with anyone, other than where I am, what I have, and who I’m with. In hunting and fishing I lose a little money. In other areas of my life I can lose much, much more. Somehow we think if we can change our environment we can also leave ourselves in the previous place. The truth is, while a change of our physical environment can be beneficial, it can never change the environment of the heart. Only God can do that. And he can do it right where you are right now!


Gary Miller

For more information about Outdoor Truths

DISCLAIMER: The views, beliefs and opinions expressed in this article, Outdoor Truths, are those of Gary Miller and do not necessarily reflect the views, beliefs or opinions of Courageous Christian Father. Outdoor Truth’s is a syndicated article published in various newspaper and online sources and has been used on Courageous Christian Father with permission from Gary Miller. #OutdoorTruths

About the Author

Author: Gary Miller

Gary began pursuing his desire to write a newspaper column to hunters and fishermen that would lead them to contemplate their relationship with their Creator. The column was picked up by two newspapers. After these many years now, it covers much of the country not only through several newspapers but also through regional magazines and online. His writing provided opportunities to speak to these same hunters and fishermen at events such as Beast Feasts. The results were men giving their lives to Christ. Even though he was not raised in a hunting or fishing home, Gary has followed his heart to the water and woods since he was a child. What started on the banks of the local canal catching carp, now extends to every part of his life as he aims outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen toward Christ.

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