Penny Gospel – Using a Penny to Share the Gospel

Penny Gospel

Penny Gospel – Using a Penny to Share the Gospel. Did you know you can share the gospel using a penny? That’s right that one-cent coin that people just toss out, you can use to share the gospel with it! #PennyGospel

Penny Gospel – Using a Penny to Share the Gospel

Penny Gospel

I have included a free printable version of this below.

How it works …

1. Take one penny and hand it to one person

You will need a United States Penny to do this.

2. Ask the person what does it say across the top?

It says In God We Trust!

In God We Trust is a statement of faith about what our country was founded on. We must have trust in God!

3. Now Ask … What is the word behind Mr. Lincoln’s head?

That word you are looking for is Liberty. Liberty is another word for freedom. Jesus Christ is the one who can give us that freedom.

4. Point out the penny only has one date.

The penny is not saved. If it was saved, it would have been born again, giving it two dates. Born once and you die two deaths, physical and spiritual … But if you are born twice, physical and again in Jesus you will only die once and then spend eternity in Heaven.

Penny Gospel – Using a Penny to Share the Gospel. Did you know you can share the gospel using a penny? #PennyGospel Share on X

5. Turn the Penny Over

6. Point out the “E. Pluribus Unum” and ask do you know what it means?

It’s actually Latin for “One of Many”. Matthew 24 tells us many will come claiming they are of the way (followers of Christ).

Penny Gospel - Using a Penny to Share the Gospel. Did you know you can share the gospel using a penny? That's right that one cent coin that people just toss out, you can use to share the gospel with it! #PennyGospel

7. Now look toward the bottom of the penny, what does it say?

It says “One Cent”. Just “One” was sent from the “God We Trust” to give us “Liberty” from our sins through His son Jesus Christ. Allowing us a “Second birth” and eternity in Heaven. You can also state there is only ONE God and ONE way to Heaven!

8. Point out the penny is round.

A penny is round showing that God has no beginning and no end . He is eternal and He made us like Him to bring us into eternity according to His conditions.

Thank you Margaret Greene for adding the penny is round to this presentation.

9. Give the Penny to the person

Give the penny to the person as a reminder of the free gift of salvation that is only available from Jesus. Also note, in order for a gift to do you any good, you must receive it. So put this penny in your pocket and anytime you see a penny remember the gift …

The Gift that Jesus gave for us…

Penny Gospel Printable #Penny #PennyGospel

Learn how to share the gospel using a deck of cards

Anything I should add to sharing the gospel with a penny?

Feel free to share in the comments below. I just might update this printable and add that point to it.

Check out Courageous Christian Father’s Wish list on Amazon where you can purchase and this items sent directly to him and they will be used for the ministry.

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2 thoughts on “Penny Gospel – Using a Penny to Share the Gospel

  1. A penny is round showing that God has no beginning and no end . He is eternal and He made us like Him to bring us into eternity according to His conditions

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