My favorite color is teal and this image caught my attention. Teal is also the color for Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE). Back around October I mentioned about FARE and the Teal Pumpkin Project.

To help raise awareness during Food Allergy Awareness Week, Niagara Falls will turn teal during the night. This will happen Monday night, May 11, 2015. So if you live in Canada or New York, USA and see it teal or see it on the news etc, that is why it is teal.
This years, 2015, Food Allergy Awareness Week is May 10-16, 2015.
According to FARE, Stephanie Lowe, has helped to make this event happen.
This photo is compliments of The Niagara Parks Commission.
In 1998, the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network, now FARE, created Food Allergy Awareness Week to educate the public about food allergies, a potentially life-threatening medical condition. This year’s awareness week falls on May 10-16, 2015, but we will have activities and ways to get involved throughout the entire month of May for Food Allergy Action Month. This is a special opportunity to shine a spotlight on food allergies and anaphylaxis. There are many easy ways you can get involved in raising awareness, educating others and inspiring action.1
To learn more about Food Allergies, The Research and the Education of it visit:
1. Quote taken from the FARE website.
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