God: The Basis Behind Scouting

Steve's Eagle Scout Banquet

Scout taught me a lot like Leadership skills, Life Skills and much more. But most important Scouting taught me God & Country. Note God is first there. God should always be first. Even the 12th point of the Scout Law is A Scout is Reverent. Even the Scout Oath has To God and My Country. I even earned my God and Country award in Scouts as a youth. I even served as Chaplain’s Aid in my troop.

God: The Basis Behind Scouting

Scouting also has roots with belief in God. I am sad to see that it seems just like our country; we are taking God out of Scouting too and everywhere else, allowing atheists and even homosexuals as well. If I am not mistaking, part of the Scout Oath is Morally Straight. We as a world are becoming tolerated on stuff when we shouldn’t be.

It is hard to believe that I became an Eagle Scout, the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America 19 years ago. (July 3, 1994). July 3, 1994 was my Board of Review and I passed, my Eagle Scout plaque says July 5, 1994. I held my Eagle Scout Ceremony September 11, 1994 at Alice Bell Baptist Church. That was the church I was going to as a kid.

Steve's Eagle Scout Banquet March 14, 1995
Steve’s Eagle Scout Banquet March 14, 1995

The above picture was taken at my Eagle Scout Banquet on March 14, 1995. This banquet was for all of the Eagle Scouts of 1994 in the Great Smoky Mountain Council.

I attained my rank of Eagle from Troop 26 in Knoxville, TN. We meet at Washington Pike United Methodist Church. It was only about a block from where I lived as a scout. I even helps as an Assistant Scoutmaster at that troop. Plus, I have also helped a Boy Scout Troop that meet at Middlebrook Pike United Methodist Church and when I lived in Michigan. I helped one troop up there in Gaylord, MI.

“Once an Eagle Scout, Always an Eagle Scout”


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Scout Sunday


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