Check In: How has the coronavirus effected your life?

How has the coronavirus effected your life? Checking in on my readers and subscribers to see how they are doing.

Check In: How has the coronavirus effected your life?

How has the coronavirus effected your life? What do you think about the coronavirus? Has it effected your family? Are you staying at home? Have you lost your job due to coronavirus? Do you know anyone with the Coronavirus? Have you known anyone who died because of the coronavirus? If you care to share please do so in the comment section.
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What do you think about the coronavirus?

Has it effected your family?

Are you staying at home?

Have you lost your job due to coronavirus?

Do you know anyone with the Coronavirus?

Have you known anyone who died because of the coronavirus?

How are people doing today?

Feel free to answer any and/or all these questions. If there is anything else you may wish to share, feel free to do so in the comments below.

Feel free to include where you are located too. This blog reaches over 200 countries around the world.

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One thought on “Check In: How has the coronavirus effected your life?

  1. For the ,most part, not at all. My wife stayed in west TN to babysit and I returned to PA before all this happened. The only difference is that I watch Sunday morning worship online and I am going to wear a BSA neckerchief over a surgical mask when I go to pick up medicines at the pharmacy tomorrow. Otherwise, as an introvert, I love the solitude.

    Now, I am expected to go pick up my wife in about six weeks and if there are still restrictions, that my impact things.

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