A circle, a square and a triangle (⭕️ 🔲▲) These are all shapes of course. Almost sounds like the opening line to a joke. So I figured I would share how each shape can relate to Christianity.
This post came from a writing prompt from DailyPrompt. All it said was “A circle, a square and a triangle”
I think these maybe the three basic shapes that all other shapes are formed from or combined with.
A circle, a square and a triangle (⭕️ 🔲▲)
A Circle ⭕️
Is always going around. The shape of a wheel and tire. These help us go places. This shape had no points. It can keep going round and round.
A record is in the shape of a circle.
The Circle can represent God’s never ending love.
A Square 🔲
A shape with four points that have a right angle. Meaning four 90° angle. This shaped formed boxes in which we store and/or ship items in.
We also know it from that word board game, Scrabble.
The square can represent the four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)
A Triangle ▲
A shape with three points. This shape came to form many roofs so rain could drain off.
I even remember a game called Triominos. It was similar to dominos, but a triangle shape.
The Triangle can represent The Trinity. (Father, Son & Holy Spirit)
Nope, this didn’t go into a joke. The start of it does seem like some kind of joke.