The Living God pursues us, no matter how often or how fast we run. If you don’t believe me, just ask Jonah. John Strubhar
Tag: Jonah

Bath Time for Baby Bible Characters Comic with Jesus, Moses, Noah and Jonah.

Excuses Excuses – We always tend to make up excuses as to why we didn’t do this or that or why we can or cannot do something.

Hands on 10 & 2 – Road Signs of the Bible series with Bible verses found in the 10th chapter of each book of the Bible and using verse two in that chapter.

Are you AWOL (Absent Without Leave) from God? Have you stopped witnessing? Sharing the Gospel? Ran from God? While in the Lord’s Army?

We as Christians should stop saying it is Mother Nature who controls the weather as if she was a god. It is Father God who controls weather! #MotherNature #Weather #God

CHRISTIAN HUMOR: A Child & Teacher talk about Jonah being swallowed. Find out how this story unfolds.(Never Argue With Children)

Man swallowed by whale and lives. The story of Jonah and the Whale, part of my series on Bible Stories of the Sea. #Jonah #BGBG2

I review Kentucky Splash Water Park in Williamsburg, KY. Is it family friend? Maybe Christian oriented? #WaterPark #KentuckySplash #Kentucky #Williamsburg