Are you AWOL (Absent Without Leave) from God? Have you stopped witnessing? Sharing the Gospel? Ran from God? Most of the time when we hear AWOL we think of the military, when in since when we go astray from God, we have become AWOL. We are in the Lord’s Army! Yes! Sir!
You remember that song don’t you? I’m in the Lord’s Army! Yes! Sir! While we are in the Lord’s Army we must do Kingdom Work to build the Army and bring others to Christ.
I may never march in the infantry, Ride in the cavalry, Shoot the artillery. I may never fly o’er the enemy, But I’m in the Lord’s army! Yes Sir! I’m in the Lord’s army! Yes sir! I’m in the Lord’s army! Yes sir! I may never march in the infantry, Ride in the cavalry, Shoot the artillery. I may never fly o’er the enemy, But I’m in the Lord’s army! Yes sir! I’m in the Lord’s army! Yes sir! I’m in the Lord’s army! Yes sir!
Are you AWOL from God?
No matter where we try to run to, we can never out run God.
No matter where we try to hide, we cannot hide from God.
No matter how much we give, we can never out give God.
No matter how much we witness, we can never witness too much!
No matter how much we read our Bible, we can never read our Bible too much!
God is calling us to draw nearer to Him. God wants us to stay in His Word! God wants us to continue to share the Gospel with out and witness.
God’s work is never ending. Look at what happened to Jonah as he tried to run from God. Check out that story in Man swallowed by whale & lives.
Go Knows all and God sees all. God is always watching! We are the ones that leave God, God never leaves us (See Deuteronomy 31:6). Even Romans 3:11 tells us no one seeks after God. Sin is what separates us from God. God cannot look on sin. God will not allow sin to go unpunished.
Get your marching orders and do kingdom work! Win Soul for the Kingdom, after all, souls is our treasures we can take with us to Heaven. It is also important that we wear the Full Armor of God, not part of it, but all of it.