Posted in Camping Health & Fitness Hiking

Recognize the signs of hypothermia

Recognize the signs of hypothermia – The arrival of cold weather provides opportunities to romp in the snow, ski the slopes or enjoy an afternoon ice skating on a frozen pond. But spending time outdoors in the cold or even in an indoor space that is not adequately warmed can result in a serious health condition known as hypothermia. #hypothermia

Posted in Hiking


Overheated – I’m going to share a random memory about me being overheated. It was back when I was a teenager in the Boy Scouts. We went to Shiloh National Military Park in Shiloh, TN. #Shiloh #Overheated

Posted in Camping Hiking

What is forest bathing?

What is forest bathing? – The mood-boosting feeling of rejuvenation many people experience while spending time in nature is not in their heads. In fact, researchers in parts of Asia have long since studied and documented the benefits of spending time in nature.

Posted in Camping Hiking

How everyday citizens can protect local parks

How everyday citizens can protect local parks – Local and national parks provide great, often awe-inspiring respites from more developed areas. According to the National Park Service, the United States is home to 59 protected areas designated as national parks, and the NPS encompasses hundreds of additional national park sites as well. In Canada, more than 30 national parks attract millions of visitors each year, supporting the notion that national parks are a global attraction worthy of governmental protection.

Posted in Hiking

Pack well for a hike in the wilderness

Pack well for a hike in the wilderness -September may enjoy the title of National Wilderness Month, but any time of year is a good time to enjoy the great outdoors. One of the ways to immerse oneself in nature is to enjoy a day hike or overnight backpacking excursion.

Getting outdoors really is good for you - People who live in regions where winters are cold often note the feeling of rejuvenation they enjoy on the first warm day of late-winter or spring. The chance to get outside and soak up some sun while breathing some warm air is a feeling unlike any other for those who spend much of their winters bundled up in layers of clothing.
Posted in Camping Hiking

Getting outdoors really is good for you

Getting outdoors really is good for you – People who live in regions where winters are cold often note the feeling of rejuvenation they enjoy on the first warm day of late-winter or spring. The chance to get outside and soak up some sun while breathing some warm air is a feeling unlike any other for those who spend much of their winters bundled up in layers of clothing.

Posted in Hiking

How to choose the right backpack

How to choose the right backpack – Upon hearing the word “backpack,” people naturally think of back-to-school season, when throngs of children board buses and head to classrooms across the country. However, the backpack need not be pigeonholed into such a narrow stereotype; there are many different uses for backpacks.

Posted in Hiking

Prevent blisters while hiking

Prevent blisters while hiking – Hiking is a popular sport that takes people into the great outdoors on a regular basis. Hiking over varied terrain and up inclines and down declines is a great way to push the cardiovascular system and build up muscles in the lower body.

Burgess Falls
Posted in Christian Hiking Holidays Tennessee

Burgess Falls

Burgess Falls – Located in Middle Tennessee you can see four waterfalls along this moderate hike. This is a must see! #BurgessFalls

Seven Islands State Birding Park
Posted in Christian Holidays Tennessee

Seven Islands State Birding Park

Seven Islands State Birding Park – A Nature Trail easy hike, walk and see all kinds of birds too. Located in East Tennessee!

The Honorable Stancil Ford Overlook at Panther Creek State Park (Clinch Mountain & Cherokee Lake)
Posted in Hiking Holidays

The Honorable Stancil Ford Overlook at Panther Creek State Park

The Honorable Stancil Ford Overlook at Panther Creek State Park – See Cherokee Lake, Clinch Mountains and more! You don’t have to hike to this overlook, unless you want to. This weeks Travel Thursday will take us to Panther Creek State Park to the Overlook.

Tri-State Marker Tennessee Kentucky Virginia
Posted in Hiking Kentucky Tennessee

Tri-State Marker (Tennessee, Kentucky & Virginia)

Tri-State Marker (Tennessee, Kentucky & Virginia). How would you like to be able to see three states at one time or even stand in one spot and be in three states at the same time?

Iron Furnace
Posted in Hiking Holidays

Iron Furnace (Cumberland Gap National Park)

Iron Furnace (Cumberland Gap National Park). This weeks Travel Thursday takes us to the Cumberland Gap National Park near the Tri-State Marker to the Newlee Iron Furnace. In this short hike, you will also see a small waterfall near the furnace. #IronFurnace

Chained Rock Pineville, KY (Pine Mountain State Resort Park) #ChainedRock
Posted in Christian Hiking Holidays

Chained Rock (Pineville, KY)

Chained Rock (Pineville, KY) – Here is an interesting place to go hiking and see a rock that is chained at the top of the mountain that is protecting the city of Pineville in Kentucky. This weeks Travel Thursday feature is Chained Rock! A site with a bit of history and legend to it. #ChainedRock #Pineville

Grotto Falls #GrottoFalls
Posted in Church Hiking

Grotto Falls

Grotto Falls – I share about my experience with this hike and tid-bits about this hike too. Part of the Smoky Mountains. #GrottoFalls #Hiking

National Trails Day Hikes 2017
Posted in Hiking Holidays Tennessee

Tennessee State Parks to Host National Trails Day Hikes

Tennessee State Parks to Host National Trails Day Hikes. All 56 Parks Will Offer Free, Guided Hikes Saturday, June 3, 2017. Hiking in my opinion is a great way to see the beautiful creation of God. #NationalTrailsDay #TNStateParks #Hiking

Hiking Safety
Posted in Creation God Hiking Scouting Weather

Hiking Safety

Hiking Safety – Hiking can be enjoyed even by novice outdoor enthusiasts, this rewarding activity also can be dangerous. Hikers often find themselves in remote locations where cellular phone signals tend to be weak, which can be troublesome, even when hiking in relatively crowded parks. That’s why it’s important to take the following precautionary measures when hiking. #Hiking #HikingSafety

Explosive Rigged Trail Cameras - Public Safety Advisory
Posted in Hiking Hunting

Explosive Rigged Trail Cameras – Public Safety Advisory

Explosive Rigged Trail Cameras – Public Safety Advisory. This is a press release submitted by the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and Kentucky State Police Post 10. This is close to home for me, 2 hour drive, 100 miles. But, this could also be any where. Leave these things alone while you go hiking or even hunting or setting up your hunting area. #Hiking #Hunting #TrailCameras #HarlankY #Harlan

National Park Service Founded: 100th Anniversary, 1916 (Centennial)
Posted in Camping Creation Hiking Scouting

National Park Service Founded: 100th Anniversary, 1916

The Organic Act of 1916 established the National Park Service within the Department of the Interior. The act stated: “The service thus established shall promote … #NationalParks #Hike100

Posted in Bible Blogging Christian Family Father Food God Health & Fitness Hiking Jesus Christ

Courageous Christian Father

Courageous Christian Father is a Christian Blog, Daddy Blog, Family Blog, Recipe Blog, Review Blog and more. Mostly blogging about God, Bible, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as well as the Christian Family.