Vanilla Creamer Recipe – if you are a coffee drinker like me and you like French vanilla or vanilla flavored coffee this creamer recipe is for you. #vanillacreamer
Tag: Coffee

Coca-Cola Coffee Taste Test – I am going to taste test two of the Coca-Cola Coffee drinks. I will try the Coca-Cola Coffee with Vanilla and the Coca-Cola Coffee with Carmel. #CocaColaCoffee #CocaCola #Coffee

30 Uses for Used Coffee Grounds – Not sure what to do with the coffee grounds after brewing a cup of java? Check out this list of what you can do with leftover coffee grounds. #Coffee #CoffeeGrounds

National Coffee Day – A Holiday for those who love coffee! #CoffeeDay

Dunkin Donuts dropping Donuts from Name – We all know them as Dunkin Donuts, but they are gonna drop the word Donuts from their name to simply Dunkin. #Dunkin #DunkinDonuts

Coffee Acronym – Here is a Christian Acronym for the word coffee. I saw this and knew I had to share with my readers. Christ Offers … #Coffee

The Bible is Better Than Coffee to Jump Start Your Day – People Who Regularly Read Bible Say It’s Better Than Coffee to Jump-Start Their Mornings. #Bible #Coffee