I want to share with you this church sign about everyone having a past and a future.
Past and Future Church Sign
This church sign from the New Market United Methodist Church in New Market, TN reminds all of us that we all have a past and we all have a future. This church sign reads …
Every Saint Has A Past and Every Sinner Has a Future – New Market United Methodist Church
We all have to remember we all have a past. I am glad for forgiveness and I am glad of the promise of those who accepted Jesus Christ of a great future too.

This message was the same on both sides of this church sign. I know this church has gone through several church signs. I have seen the church sign built back up, then next thing I know it was in rubble again, and now it got back up and then back down in rubble. I am glad to see their church sign is back up again.
Check out this blog post about everyone has a future and there are two destinations, so where is your final destination for eternity?
I took this picture on March 18, 2016.
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