Hokey Pokey is a Theological Song

Hokey Pokey is a Theological Song – My wife told me this the other day and I wanted to share it with you all. #HokeyPokey

Hokey pokey is a Theological Song - My wife told me this the other day and I wanted to share it with you all. #HokeyPokey
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Hokey pokey is a theological song


How does the Hokey Pokey become a theological song?

It is also known as the hokey cokey or even the boogie woogie. It has been said to be around since the 1800’s. It was a chart hit twice in the 1980’s. The origin of Hokey Pokey is still in dispute.

In this song, you put your left foot in, you put your left foot out. It repeats with different body parts, right foot, left hand, right hand, etc. It then goes on too …

You Put Your Whole Self In, You Put Your Self Out, You Put Your Whole Self In and you turn yourself around.

You do the hokey pokey,

And you turn yourself around.

That’s what it’s all about!

We must be ALL IN or not in when we follow Christ. Plus, it also says turn your self about, simply do a 180, not a 360. Repent!

I will never see hear the song the same now. I am sure you won’t either!

Has anyone else heard that about this song?

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