American Gospel: Christ Alone Film – About: Is Christianity Christ + the American dream? American Gospel examines how the prosperity gospel (the Word of Faith movement) has distorted the gospel message, and how this theology is being exported abroad. This feature-length film is the first in a series.

American Gospel’ Blows A Hole in the Prosperity Gospel.
Owen Stachan
Trailer below
Below is the 1 hour free version.
The full version is 2 hours and 20 minutes in length. You can rent it or buy it on their website.
My Church, True Life Church, will be showing this on July 19, 2019. If you would like to see this, please RSVP and let my church know you will be attending it.
Follow this blog, after I watch it, I will share a review of the film. That won’t be until sometime after the 19th.
Have you watched this film?
If so please share your thoughts in the comments below.
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