Gospel Tract Challenge 100K In A Day – A Challenge to see if you personally can hand out 100 Gospel Tracts in a single day! Are you up to this challenge? Can we also get 1,000 other people to hand out 100 gospel tracts in a day?
100K In A Day Gospel Tract Challenge
Can you help with the 100K A Day Gospel Tract Challenge by handing out gospel tracts? Bezeugen Tract Club is asking you to try and do this challenge! This is a great way to share the gospel with other people. If Bezeugen Tract Club and others would hand them out we can reach a lot of people in a single day. If 1,000 people handed out 100 or more gospel tracts in a day. This Gospel Tract Challenge will be successfully by getting out 100,000 gospel tracts given out on this day.
Mark your calendars this day is on September 17, 2016. That say falls on a Saturday!
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Gospel tracts can be easily given to people or
even left behind in random locations.
Gospel tracts come in all kinds of sizes, shapes, colors and themes. These pieces of paper make great literature to hand out to people to help share the gospel. They can also help break the ice and open up a conversion with someone to lead to sharing the gospel.
Blog post on Gospel Tracts
- Bezeugen Tract Club
- Free gospel tracts to to your home!
- Inspiring Gospel Tract Story
- Places to leave Gospel Tracts
- Serendipity Tracting
- Using Gospel Tracts
Not only can you hand out gospel tracts, but you can also hand out Gospel of John Books and Bibles as well.
If you are up to this challenge or try this challenge you can let Bezeugen Tract Club know by visiting bezeugen.org/100/ and you can let 100K in a day know too by visiting 100k1day.com
If you plan to help do this, you can also leave a comment saying that you plan to do this.
Make sure to hashtag #100K1Day