May the LORD be with you! The 4th of May is usually known as Star Wars Day. You’ll hear May the Fourth Be with you taking off from the movie May the Force be with you. #maythe4thbewithyou #maythefourth #starwarsday #maytheLordbewithyout #maytheLord
Tag: Bezeugen Tract Club

Sites that give you free Gospel Tracts or Gospel of John Books that are sent to you free via the snail mail (postal mail). Plus tips & ideas of where to leave gospel tracts. #GospelTracts #FreeGospelTracts

Bezeugen Tract Club – Do you hand out Gospel Tracts? How about a gospel tract club that gives you 30 free gospel tracts per month to hand out. #Bezeugen #BezeugenTractClub

Gospel Tract Challenge 100K In A Day – A Challenge to see if you personally can hand out 100 Gospel Tracts in a single day! Are you up to this challenge? #100K1Day #Bezeugen #BezeugenTractClub #GospelTracts