Breakfast Pizza Recipe that the family will love & church members too – This recipe was very popular for a breakfast gathering. It is easy to make too. #BreakfastPizza
Tag: Sausage

Simple Cinnamon Roll Pigs in a Blanket. A great and simple recipe combining two great items … sausage links and cinnamon rolls. This is a very sweet treat! #CinnamonRolls #SausageLinks #CinnamonRollPigsinaBlanket

National Sausage Pizza Day – Yes there is a day for you sausage pizza lovers! So you one topping sausage pizza lovers, this day is for you. Go out and enjoy a sausage pizza! #SausagePizza #SausagePizzaDay

National Bratwurst Day – day for those yummy German sausages we call bratwurst (comes from two German words). #BratwurstDay

Suggestions On Sausages – Before you get to sausage sizzling, however, remember: Different types of sausage require different preparation techniques. Here’s a look at a few favorites: