4 Omni Attributes of God – In this blog post I share the four omni’s of God. #Omni
Tag: Omni

Omnipotence – Is all about the All Powerful and Mighty God and His Power is without limit as it has been demonstrated all over the Bible. #Omnipotence

Omnipresence – God is everywhere in all places at one time. He is eternal in that being in all places too. #Omnipresence

Omniscience – God is all knowing. There is nothing that God does not know. Omniscience This weeks Theological Tuesday takes us to the word omnipresence. We have heard there are three omni’s in theology. This is just one of the three. Omni- The first part of the word is omni-. That part just simply means all, of all things, in all ways, in all places. -Science The other part of the word is -science meaning knowing (knowledge). Combined Combined it means All Knowing. (Total Knowledge) Dr. Danny Forshee says in