October is pastor appreciation month throughout the Southern Baptist Churches. Help show your support for your pastor. #PastorAppreciation #PastorAppreciationMonth #PastorAppreciationDay
Tag: October

October the 8th Month? What are you talking about? August is the 8th month Steve! Find out why October is no longer the 8th month. #October #August #8thMonth #10MonthCalendar #12MonthCalendar

Christian Blogger Day – This day is for all of those who are a Christian Blogger to show case their Christian Blog. #ChristianBloggerDay

October Prayer of the Day – Today’s prayer of the day is topical for our upcoming month, October. #October

October Reflections 2017. Sharing a reflection back for the month of October 2017 in blogging at Courageous Christian Father. I share top 10 blog post for the month, top 10 visiting countries, places I have visited. Plus, things I have learned and more.