Comedian John Crist is Back – after announcing about a sexual harassment scandal and receiving treatment. #JohnCrist
Tag: John Crist

Christian Comedian, John Crist cancels his tour due to sexual misconduct #JohnCrist

If Bible Characters Took Uber – Christian comedian John Crist is at it again with Uber. This time if Bible Characters took Uber for a ride. Check out his video below. Check out his other video Uber Christian

If Bible Characters had iPhones by John Crist. IN this video Trey Kennedy also helps share what it would have been like if Bible Characters had iPhones.

Uber Christian: The Rideshare App Exclusively for Christians Do you love Uber but always worried about the music selection and topics your driver may bring up? Introducing Uber Christian! #UberChristian #JohnChrist

Christian Comedians – This is a compiled list of Christian Comedians. We all a good laught, why not check out these clean Christian Comedians. Including my top five favorite! #ChristianComedians #ChristianComedy

Cartoons Christians Kids Weren’t Allowed to Watch – Check out this list of cartoons Christians weren’t allowed to watch and why from Christian Comedian John Crist. #JohnCrist

Winter Jam 2018 East Coast Lineup Announced! Check out what artist are going to be there and dates and locations! Just as the Winter Jam 2017 West Coast gets started Winter Jam announced the 2018 East Coast line up. Tickets are now $15 at the door! #WinterJam #WinterJam2018