PBJ Signage – Check out this signage that has PBJ on it. Remember we use to call a PBJ Sandwich a Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich. Which this sign also makes me think of my pastor, Pastor Bob, we sometimes call him PB. Then my buddy Justin, he is a pastor and sometimes now is called PJ. So together they could be PBJ. Anyways …
PBJ Signage
This sign reads …
It’s more than just a sandwich!
This sign also has bread on it with a cross on the slice of bread.
This sign was sent to me to be used. The person didn’t know where it was located but something that was sent to them. If you know where this sign is located feel free to let me know.
After all we are the only Jesus most people see. We must show the love of Jesus to everyone. We the church, after all, are the hands, the feet, the eyes and ears and such for Jesus. The church makes up the body with different parts.
We were told to feed and cloth those in need too.
We were told to do good unto others, even if they do bad unto us.