I've blogged about St. Patrick, which you hear more about in March. This one is about St. Valentine, known around Valentine's Day.
Posted in Christian

Who is St. Valentine?

Who is St. Valentine? We know Valentine’s Day as a day of love, but did you know it came from a priest named Valentine. Find out who he was. #StValentine #ValentinesDay

Posted in Christian

Resting in His Design: The Christian Origin of the Weekend

Resting in His Design: The Christian Origin of the Weekend – In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, it’s easy to take weekends for granted – two days of respite from the daily grind. However, have you ever stopped to ponder the origin of the weekend and its connection to Christian principles?

Posted in Christian Jesus Christ Mardi Gras

King Cake: A Delicious Tradition with Deeper Meaning in Mardi Gras Celebrations

King Cake: A Delicious Tradition with Deeper Meaning in Mardi Gras Celebrations – As Mardi Gras approaches, the vibrant festivities and colorful parades take center stage. Amidst the revelry, there’s a sweet treat that holds both culinary delight and symbolic significance – the King Cake. #KingCake

Posted in Animals Bible Creation God Holidays Horse Men of the Bible Prayer Weather Women of the Bible

Whether to rely on God, Man or Animal for Weather

Who are are you going to rely on for the weather? An animal such as a groundhog? a horse? another type of animal? man? or God? I make a brief post here on weather and who to rely on. (Groundhog Day) #GroundhogDay #Groundhog

Posted in Holidays

How Candelmas Day turned into Groundhog Day

How Candelmas Day turned into Groundhog Day – If a day to predict the arrival of spring weather sounds familiar, it probably calls to mind Groundhog Day. However, for centuries, February 2nd was celebrated as a Christian Feast Day known as Candlemas. #Candlemas #GroundhogDay

The Origins of Groundhog Day
Posted in Animals Holidays Jesus Christ Weather

The Origins of Groundhog Day

The origins of Groundhog Day – Every year on February 2nd, people anxiously await the appearance of a medium-sized furry mammal who they believe can predict if winter weather will rage on or if spring will arrive sooner than later. #GroundhogDay #GroundHog

Posted in Christian Books Nik Ripken

Who is Nik Ripken?

Nik Ripken is a renowned Christian missionary and author whose life’s work revolves around documenting the experiences of persecuted Christians worldwide. Born in Kentucky, Ripken embarked on a mission journey with his wife, Ruth, spending over three decades serving in various African countries.

National Freedom Day - A day that honors the signing of a resolution that proposed the 13th amendment of the nation's constitution on February 1, 1865.
Posted in Freedom

National Freedom Day

National Freedom Day – A day that honors the signing of a resolution that proposed the 13th amendment of the nation’s constitution on February 1, 1865.

What's the purpose behind a leap year? February bears the unique distinction of being the only month on the calendar that does not always have the same number of days.
Posted in Holidays

What’s the purpose behind a leap year?

What’s the purpose behind a leap year? February bears the unique distinction of being the only month on the calendar that does not always have the same number of days. #LeapYear

Posted in Bible Christian Quotes

If you are in deep water it’s a good idea to keep your mouth shut

If you are in deep water it’s a good idea to keep your mouth shut – In life, we often find ourselves navigating turbulent waters – facing challenges that seem insurmountable. As Christians, we turn to the Word of God for guidance, and one timeless piece of wisdom emerges: “If you are in deep water, it’s a good idea to keep your mouth shut.” #bgbg2

February is the shortest month, but there's no definitive answer why. (TF142952)
Posted in Family Holidays Sports

February: Fun Facts

February is the shortest month of the year, but many people have no idea why that is. Here are some fun facts about this shortest month of the year. #February #FebruaryFunFacts #FunFactsFebruary

Posted in Christian Books Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Who was Dietrich Bonhoeffer?

Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Brief Exploration of His Life and Legacy – Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German Lutheran pastor, theologian, and anti-Nazi dissident, left an indelible mark on history through his courageous actions and profound writings. Born on February 4, 1906, Bonhoeffer grew up in a family of intellectuals with a strong commitment to justice and moral values.

Posted in Christian Books Dietrich Bonhoeffer Discipleship

The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer is a profound exploration of the true essence of Christian discipleship. Bonhoeffer, a German theologian and pastor, delves into the challenges and sacrifices that come with following Christ.

silver macbook air on brown wooden table
Posted in Blogging Christian

A Guide to Christian Blogging

A Guide to Christian Blogging – In today’s digital age, where information flows seamlessly through the virtual realm, the world of blogging has become a powerful platform for individuals to share their thoughts, experiences, and perspectives. For Christians, blogging serves as a unique avenue to spread the message of faith, connect with like-minded individuals, and provide insights into the Christian journey.

Posted in Christian Books God Timothy Keller

The Reason for God by Timothy Keller

The Reason for God by Timothy Keller is a compelling exploration of faith and reason. Keller delves into common doubts and skepticism about Christianity, providing thoughtful responses to address them. The book is structured around common objections such as the existence of God, the exclusivity of Christianity, and the problem of suffering.

Posted in Christian Books God Timothy Keller

The Prodigal God by Timothy Keller

The Prodigal God by Timothy Keller is a transformative exploration of the parable of the prodigal son. Keller delves into the depth of this well-known biblical story, offering profound insights into the true meaning of grace and redemption.

Posted in Christian Books Greg Laurie Jesus Christ

Jesus Revolution by Greg Laurie & Ellen Vaughn

Jesus Revolution by Greg Laurie & Ellen Vaughn – “Jesus Revolution” stands as a beacon, radiating the essence of a cultural and spiritual shift. Penned by Greg Laurie and Ellen Vaughn, this captivating work delves into the historical tapestry of the Jesus Movement that swept across America in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

National Sanctity of Human Life Day is an observance declared by several United States Presidents who opposed abortion typically proclaimed on or near the anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade. This day is also known as Pro-Life Day.
Posted in Christian

National Sanctity of Human Life Day

National Sanctity of Human Life Day is an observance declared by several United States Presidents who opposed abortion typically proclaimed on or near the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade. This day is also known as Pro-Life Day.

National Hugging Day #NationalHuggingDay
Posted in Holidays

National Hugging Day

National Hugging Day – Most of all of us enjoy a hug. There is just something about a hug that often can bright anyone’s day. Plus, see the benefits of Hugging, Types of Hugs and even some huggable quotes. #NationalHuggingDay

Giant Colorful Iced Marbles
Posted in Christmas Church Crafts Family

Giant Colorful Iced Marbles

Giant Colorful Iced Marbles – During winter fill balloons with water and add food coloring, once frozen cut the balloons off & they look like giant marbles or Christmas decorations.