Lemonade Day – Lemonade is a popular summer time drink. So popular that this drink even has it’s own day. #LemonadeDay
I like my lemonade sweet. I like both regular lemonade and strawberry lemonade. Lemonade is simply just squeezed lemons (lemon juice), water and sugar. Well, sometimes you don’t have to have the sugar, but I like mine sweet. There is even Pink Lemonade and Raspberry Lemonade too. You can make all kinds of flavors combinations too.
Lemonade is from the Lemon fruit a good source of Vitamin C.

About the holiday
I see this holiday is celebrated annually on August 20 and also the first Sunday in May. It’s a day to honor that yummy summer time treat. But, other research shows it honors children businesses like Alex’s Lemonade Stand. The point is to teach them how to start and run their own business like a lemonade stand. Alex’s Lemonade Stand came about to raise money for cancer.
The one in May was founded in Houston, Texas by Lisa and Michael Holthouse in 2007. I am not sure when or who started the one in August.
You can even make a Lemonade Pie or even a Strawberry Lemonade Pie. It is very good, almost done like a cheese cake in a way. Maybe you can call it a Lemonade Cheesecake or a Strawberry Lemonade Cheesecake.
First published August 18, 2019. Last updated or republished August 19, 2019.
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