Liking my own Post is okay – I think in a way it shows that you approve this post that you liked.

I go and like all the post I publish on Courageous Christian Father. Even adding comments on our own blog post is okay. Sometimes the comments can add to story or blog post.
After all we gotta like our own stuff or we wouldn’t publish it in the first place.
Not only does this work on blog post, but also social media post we publish.
Do you like or comment on your own post?
Feel free to share with me why you do nor don’t.
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I personally do not and will not.
I do see your point in liking what you post because you agree with it.
I’ve seen people do this and I’ve felt like some do this in order to bump likes.
I feel like I wouldn’t have posted something if I didn’t like it enough or agree with it enough to share, therefore, for me, I don’t feel the need to like it.
Awesome, Thanks for your comment. There are times we do post things we may not like, but needed to be posted. Yes, it is a way to boost the number of likes too.