History of Kissing – How do you show your love and affection? Many people do so through the tender gestures they share throughout the day, including kisses. So what is a kiss? #Kissing #Kisses

History of Kissing
Kissing exemplifies love and passion and can express many different sentiments. A kiss also can provide comfort in a time of need.
Even though kissing may seem universal to human beings, it is not embraced by all cultures. Information published in Psychology Today suggests kissing is not innate to all people. However, many still peck and kiss ardently. Even some animals are known to express affection through kissing. How did this behavior then come to be?
Two theories give some ideas about where kissing may have originated. Vaughn Bryant, an anthropologist at Texas A&M University who specializes in the history of the kiss, says the earliest references to kissing-like behavior dates to around 3,500 years ago in Sanskrit scriptures (Hindu) that influenced various Eastern religions. Kissing is mentioned in both Sumerian and Egyptian poetry.
The Old Testament also references kissing in the book of Genesis when Isaac asks his son Jacob to kiss him. We were told to greet one another with a holy kiss. The Bible does mention various types of kisses. Often it could have meant a touch or greeting. Judas even betrayed Jesus Christ with a kiss.
Another theory is that kissing evolved from a process known as “kiss feeding.” This is when mothers would pre-chew food and then pass it to their babies
Some suggest that kissing may be an extension of grooming behavior. Dogs and cats also lick and nuzzle other animals and humans. This may indicate that so-called “kissing” is merely a way of communicating or grooming other beings as a form of establishing trust and bonding.
Many men and women around the world engage in some form of kissing each and every day. The next time sweethearts lock lips, whether
Valentine Post
Metro Creative TF192696 – First published February 2, 2019. Last updated or republished February 5, 2020.
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