Fast Christmas music can lead to a speeding ticket

Fast Christmas music can lead to a speeding ticket – ‘Tis the season to be jolly, but could your choice of Christmas music be putting a damper on your holiday spirit? As festive tunes fill the airwaves, it turns out that the tempo of your seasonal playlist might have unintended consequences, including a potential encounter with flashing blue lights. In this blog post, we explore the unexpected link between fast-paced Christmas music and the risk of receiving a speeding ticket.

Fast Christmas music can lead to a speeding ticket

Fast Christmas music can lead to a speeding ticket - 'Tis the season to be jolly, but could your choice of Christmas music be putting a damper on your holiday spirit? As festive tunes fill the airwaves, it turns out that the tempo of your seasonal playlist might have unintended consequences, including a potential encounter with flashing blue lights. In this blog post, we explore the unexpected link between fast-paced Christmas music and the risk of receiving a speeding ticket.
Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels

The Rhythm of the Road:

Many drivers find themselves succumbing to the infectious beats and lively rhythms of holiday tunes while behind the wheel. However, the tempo of these songs can subconsciously influence driving behavior. Research suggests that faster-paced music may contribute to an increased desire to drive at higher speeds, leading to a higher risk of exceeding speed limits.

The Playlist Culprit:

While most Christmas songs are characterized by joyous melodies and heartwarming lyrics, certain tracks have a faster tempo that might unknowingly encourage drivers to step on the gas pedal. Classics like “Jingle Bell Rock” and “Feliz Navidad” are known for their energetic beats, and when played in the car, they can create a sense of excitement that translates into a lead foot.

The Need for Speed:

Studies have shown that music with a higher beats-per-minute (BPM) can influence drivers to unconsciously match their speed to the rhythm. Fast Christmas tunes, combined with the holiday hustle and bustle, may lead to a scenario where drivers find themselves driving faster than they intended.

The Impact on Safety:

Speeding is a leading cause of traffic accidents, and during the holiday season, road conditions can become challenging due to weather and increased traffic. The unintended consequence of driving faster due to the influence of spirited Christmas music can elevate the risk of accidents, potentially putting a damper on holiday festivities.

Tips for a Safer Drive:

  1. Choose Your Playlist Wisely: Opt for slower-paced Christmas songs to maintain a calm and safe driving environment.
  2. Be Mindful of Tempo: Pay attention to the BPM of your favorite tunes, especially if they have a faster tempo.
  3. Stay within Speed Limits: Remember that safety should always be a priority, even when the festive spirit is in the air.


This holiday season, as you revel in the joy of Christmas music, be mindful of its potential impact on your driving behavior. While the spirit of the season is all about celebration, ensuring your safety and the safety of others on the road should be a top priority. So, slow down, enjoy the music responsibly, and make it a memorable and accident-free holiday season for everyone.

Note: This can be true to any genre of fast music.

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About the Author

Author: Steve Patterson

A Christian Blogger that enjoys blogging about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays, sewing and much more. I have been blogging since 2004, however, I have been blogging on Courageous Christian Father since 2012. I enjoy listening to Christian Music. I am married with 1 daughter, 2 step-sons and a step daughter.

3 thoughts on “Fast Christmas music can lead to a speeding ticket

    1. This can apply to any music and not just Christmas Music too. Great idea to keep tempo down while driving. They say speeding tickets more linked to beats per minute the faster bmp the faster you drive.

      1. Steve, Im an overworked, overstressed guy. Over the Christmas season, I only listened to jazzy old Christmas tunes. Changed my radio preset from the rock stations to JazzFM.
        Its had such a massive impact on me. I am now Joe Cool behind the wheel.
        BPM has a major influence on how we drive.

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