Billboards of Pastor with Bible Removed Due to Complaints – Greg Laurie of SoCal Harvest had his billboards removed due to complaints because he held a Bible. #GregLaurie #SoCalHarvest
Billboards of Pastor with Bible Removed Due to Complaints
The Bible is very controversial. This is one example where people complained because of his billboards show him holding a Bible. The mall even said the billboards are a “Serious Threat.”So malls across California had them removed. But these people don’t realize doing that has caused tons of media attention. Bring the Bible out in front. The only reason the Bible is feared is because it convicts. People don’t want to be told they are doing wrong. If it was just a book Greg Laurie was holding no one would bat an eye. I am sure if he was holding the Quran, there wouldn’t have been an issue either. That tells you something about the Bible.
If these people don’t believe in the Bible, then why are they trying to stop it? That is because it convicts and they don’t want to believe they are accountable to God.
The mall will allow the billboards if the billboards were revised and Greg Laurie take off the Bible. It was said that they comprised and removed the Bible. However, the mall still refused to put up the new billboards.
This year marks the 29th year of SoCal Harvest. Which makes this the longest large-scale evangelistic event in American History. This event features some Christian Music artist. The dates for this free event will be August 17, 2018 to August 19, 2018 at Angel Stadium.
I first heard about this at church when our pastor mentioned.
Strange these people don’t believe in God, then why are the fighting to remove someone or something they don’t believe exists? Because deep down they know there is a God, The Bible says we are all without excuse because proof of creation is proof of a creator. (Paraphrasing).