911 Prayer of the Day

911 Prayer of the Day – Today’s prayer of the day is a topical prayer focus and a multiple of things dealing with 9/11. (Patriot Day, 911 Babies, Emergency, Etc.) #911

911 Prayer of the Day

911 Prayer of the Day - Today's prayer of the day is a topical prayer focus and a multiple of things dealing with 9/11. (Patriot Day, 911 Babies, Emergency, Etc.) #911

Dear Lord,

Today we lift up a few things to you. One is Patriot Day, the day it seemed our world stopped turning. The other is a Christian ministry called 911 Babies. The other is 911, the number we call for emergencies.

9/11 is known as Patriot Day & National Day of Remembrance, a day we remember those who lost their lives on that day. This is just a reminder, we are never promised tomorrow or even the next moment. Help us to live it for you and boldly proclaim you! Continue being with the families and friends of lost ones from that tragic event.

I also lift up 911 Babies to you. I lift up people knowing that you created the child in the womb and that abortion is wrong and murder. I ask that you continue being the DeHarts’ and those involved in that ministry and them spreading the gospel using that ministry.

Also I want to lift up 911 to you. A number we in the United States call for an emergency. I ask that you be with the 911 Operator taking the call. Give them the knowledge they need and the calmness they need to handle the situation. Just the same to all of the emergency people assisting emergency situations. This includes Police, Firefighters, Paramedics, EMT’s, Nurses, Doctors, Etc. This list can go on and on.

I also ask that if there is someone that doesn’t know you as Lord and Savior, that they will come to that saving knowledge of you. Use your Children to reach the lost boldly and unashamedly.

Let us always remember that you are ALWAYS with us! You will never leave us or forsake us. Even in trial times such as listed in this prayer, you will be with us. You do have a plan and purpose in it all. Even what man means for evil, you have good to come out of it.

In Jesus Name,


Patriot Day (9-11 Post)

This is just one of the topical prayers of the day that I plan to publish. Make sure to follow Courageous Christian Father for more prayers of the day. If you have a topical idea for a prayer of the day, feel free to share in the comments and/or contact me. If there is anything I might be able to add to this prayer, feel free to share that in the comments as well.

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About the Author

Author: Steve Patterson

A Christian Blogger that enjoys blogging about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays, sewing and much more. I have been blogging since 2004, however, I have been blogging on Courageous Christian Father since 2012. I enjoy listening to Christian Music. I am married with 1 daughter, 2 step-sons and a step daughter.

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