425,000 Boys Leave the Scouts

425,000 Boys Leave the Scouts – Since the Boy Scouts of America announced they were dropping the word “Boy” from their title to just Scouts, they had a huge number leave the Scouting movement.

425,000 Boys Leave the Scouts

That huge number was around 425,000. That is a huge amount and in such a short time too. A weeks time that is. They are calling this Scout Me In. Making Scouting all inclusive.

BSA Logo (Boy Scouts of America Logo) - 425,000 Boys Leave the Scouts

I am very sad to see them drop the word “Boy”. After all they do have Girl Scouts. If the girls don’t like how it is ran, then they need to go after them with the changes and/or start their own version of a Scout like program. I may seem harsh with that, but God Created them Male and Female. Boy and Girl. That is why they were separate. This just might be an end to the Boy Scouts totally … umm Scouts that is. I doubt they will get 424,000 girls to join to make up for that lost.

I know am an Eagle Scout under the Boy Scouts of America! Not the Scouts of America. If I was a Scoutmaster I would leave too. If I had a boy in the Boy Scouts, I wouldn’t keep him in it either. There are newer versions of a scouting like movement out there you can check out. One is the Trail Life. It is totally Christian based.

Even churches are ending ties with the Scouts too. Most of these churches are picking up the Trail Life or doing more with the Royal Ambassadors (RA’s). The Seventh Day Adventist has one that is similar called Pathfinders. Not to mention, other denominations are creating their own Boy Scout like program. The Church of Jesus of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) aka the Mormons, is also ending ties with the Scouting movement too. This says a lot about the recent changes in the Scouting program. More so about the most recent change of dropping “Boy”.

Yes, they claim that they will have a just boy troop and a just girl troop. But still, Scouts was founded as Boy Scouts.

This just shows the world has got into the Scouts and is no longer Christian valued that it once was.

So if you have a young boy, I would look into Trail Life!

Read more about the blog post from October 2017 about Girls in the Boy Scouts.

Girls in the Boy Scouts of America?


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