Shrove Tuesday – The start of Lent season. This day is the day before Ash Wednesday. This day was day set aside to remind Christians about a season of penance and was originally a solemn day. #ShroveTuesday
Tag: Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras is best known as a raucous event that takes place in New Orleans, LA and other areas around the world in January and February. Fat Tuesday, the final day of Mardi Gras, can occur in March depending on the calendar year and how it corresponds to the Christian liturgical calendar. While Mardi Gras may be legendary for scantily clad costumes, delicious food, overflowing spirits, and many acts of debauchery. Many people — particularly non-Christians — may not know what the celebration is truly all about. #MardiGras #FatTuesday #ShroveTuesday

King Cake: A Delicious Tradition with Deeper Meaning in Mardi Gras Celebrations – As Mardi Gras approaches, the vibrant festivities and colorful parades take center stage. Amidst the revelry, there’s a sweet treat that holds both culinary delight and symbolic significance – the King Cake. #KingCake