October 31 is also Reformation Day, Martin Luther wrote The 95 Thesis on this day 500 years ago and nailed it to the Castle Church door in Wittenburg in Germany. I share about Reformation Day and even the full length movie of I Will Not Recant. #ReformationDay #95Thesis #MartinLuther #IWillNotRecant
Tag: Grace Alone

The 5 Solas – These five areas of Reformed Theology is believed to be the essentials of Christianity. Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone); Sola Fide (Faith Alone); Sola Gratia (Grace Alone); Solus Christus or Solo Christo (Christ Alone); Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God Alone). #5Solas #FiveSolas #ReformedTheology

Sola gratia the doctrine of Grace Alone – We are saved by grace alone, not by works. #SolaGratia #GraceAlone

The Word of the Week by Justin Breeden, unadulterated truth of the Word of God to be proclaimed, this week is According to His Mercy He Saved Us. #WordoftheWeek #WOTW