Posted in Christian

Walking in the Footsteps of Faith: Unveiling the Journey of Jerusalem Cruisers

Walking in the Footsteps of Faith: Unveiling the Journey of Jerusalem Cruisers – In the realm of Christian symbolism, few items are as deeply intertwined with biblical history and the journey of faith as sandals. Specifically, Jerusalem Cruisers, often referred to as “sandals,” carry a profound significance that traces back to the time of Jesus Christ. These simple yet sturdy footwear have traversed the sands of time, leaving an indelible imprint on the spiritual sojourn of believers. Join us as we delve into the significance of Jerusalem Cruisers and uncover the profound lessons they hold for our faith journey. #bgbg2

Father's Day Candy Bar Greeting Card
Posted in Crafts Family Holidays

Father’s Day Candy Bar Greeting Card

Check out this creative Father’s Day Candy Bar Greeting Card a family did for their father for Father’s Day. Looks good enough to eat! #FathersDay

Posted in God

Running to God: Lessons from Forest Gump’s Unwavering Faith

Running to God: Lessons from Forest Gump’s Unwavering Faith – In the famous film “Forrest Gump,” the titular character embarks on a remarkable journey, running tirelessly across the United States. Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles, Forrest’s unwavering determination serves as an inspiring example for Christians to embrace in their spiritual journey. In our pursuit of God, we are called to run towards Him with unrelenting fervor, trusting in His grace and guidance. This blog post explores the parallels between Forrest Gump’s relentless running and our own quest to draw closer to God, encouraging us to persevere, no matter the circumstances. #ForestaGump #bgbg2

Posted in Christian Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness: If We Still Did “An Eye for an Eye,” the World Would Be Blind

The Power of Forgiveness: If We Still Did “An Eye for an Eye,” the World Would Be Blind – In our journey of faith, we encounter powerful teachings that challenge our worldview and call us to a higher standard. One such teaching is the concept of “an eye for an eye,” often associated with justice and retribution. However, as Christians, we are called to embrace a radical idea that transcends this ancient principle. In this blog post, we will explore the profound message behind the words of Jesus and understand why if we still followed the principle of “an eye for an eye,” the world would indeed be blind. #bgbg2

Posted in Christian Music Christian Radio

Who is Wally from “The Wally Show” on Way-FM?

Who is Wally from “The Wally Show” on Way-FM? If you’re a fan of Christian radio, chances are you’ve come across “The Wally Show” on Way-FM. The charismatic host, Wally, has captivated listeners across the nation with his humor, insightful conversations, and genuine love for connecting with people. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the life and career of Wally and discover what makes him such a beloved figure in the world of radio. #Wally #TheWallyShow #WayFM

Posted in Christian Music Manafest

Unleashing the Power of Music: Exploring the Journey of Manafest

Unleashing the Power of Music: Exploring the Journey of Manafest – In the vast world of music, there are artists who captivate us with their talent, lyrics, and unique style. One such artist is Chris Greenwood, better known by his stage name, Manafest. With his unwavering passion and profound storytelling abilities, Manafest has carved a distinct niche for himself in the realms of Christian rock, rap, and alternative music. In this blog post, we will delve into the journey of Manafest, exploring his music, influences, and the impact he has made on his listeners. #Manafest

Posted in Christian

Fred Rogers: A Legacy of Kindness, Compassion, and Education

Fred Rogers: A Legacy of Kindness, Compassion, and Education – In a world often filled with noise, chaos, and negativity, there are individuals who stand out as beacons of light. Fred Rogers, widely known as “Mr. Rogers,” was one such extraordinary individual who left an indelible mark on generations of children and adults alike. Through his beloved television show, “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” Fred Rogers became an icon of kindness, compassion, and education, leaving behind a powerful legacy that continues to resonate with us today. #MrRogers #FredRogers

World Brain Tumor Day - This is an awareness day, held June 8 of each year.
Posted in Health & Fitness

World Brain Tumor Day

World Brain Tumor Day – This is an awareness day, held June 8 of each year. This day started in 2000 by the German Brain Tumor Association (GBTA) to help raise awareness of this lethal disease. #WorldBrainTumorDay #BrainTumorDay

Posted in Christian Music KJ-52

KJ-52: A Journey of Faith and Influence in Christian Hip Hop

KJ-52: A Journey of Faith and Influence in Christian Hip Hop – In the realm of Christian hip hop, few artists have made as lasting an impact as KJ-52. With a career spanning over two decades, KJ-52 has not only left an indelible mark on the genre but has also become a voice of authenticity, transparency, and faith. This blog post will delve into the inspiring journey of KJ-52, exploring his musical contributions, his faith-driven message, and the enduring influence he has had on both the Christian and hip hop communities. #KJ52

Lunch table
Posted in Church Fellowship

Embracing Community and Delightful Cuisine: The Church Potluck Experience

Embracing Community and Delightful Cuisine: The Church Potluck Experience In the tapestry of communal gatherings, few events bring people together quite like the cherished tradition of a church potluck. These joyful occasions unite individuals from diverse walks of life, transcending barriers and fostering a sense of belonging within a spiritual community. Beyond the delightful spread of homemade dishes, the church potluck serves as a testament to the power of fellowship, creating lasting memories and strengthening the bonds that tie us together.

Posted in Bible Love

10 Ways to Love

10 Ways to Love – Here is an infographic by Mindy’s Gazebo on ten ways to love including Bible references. #bgbg2

Posted in Christian Music Kari Jobe

The Captivating Voice of Kari Jobe: An Inspiring Journey through Worship

The Captivating Voice of Kari Jobe: An Inspiring Journey through Worship – In the realm of contemporary Christian music, few names shine as brightly as Kari Jobe. Her angelic voice and heartfelt lyrics have touched the hearts of millions around the world, guiding them to a place of worship and spiritual connection. Kari Jobe’s captivating talent, combined with her unwavering faith and authenticity, have made her a beloved figure in the Christian music industry. In this blog post, we will dive into the remarkable journey of Kari Jobe, exploring her musical accomplishments, her impact on worship music, and the profound inspiration she brings to countless lives. #KariJobe

Posted in Christian Faith

Exploring the London Baptist Confession: A Rich Theological Heritage

Exploring the London Baptist Confession: A Rich Theological Heritage – The London Baptist Confession, also known as the Second London Confession or the 1689 Baptist Confession, is a historically significant document that outlines the beliefs and teachings of the Reformed Baptist tradition. Adopted in 1689 by a gathering of Baptist churches in London, it has served as a foundational theological statement for many Baptist communities around the world. In this blog post, we will delve into the historical context, key themes, and enduring significance of the London Baptist Confession.

Posted in Christian Music DC Talk

Red Letters by DC Talk

Red Letters by DC Talk is this week’s Christian Music post. In this blog post we feature the lyrics and the music video. #DCTalk #RedLetters

Posted in Andy Stanley Christian

Who is Andy Stanley

Unveiling the Remarkable Journey of Andy Stanley – In the realm of influential pastors and Christian leaders, few names shine as brightly as Andy Stanley. With his engaging teaching style, insightful perspectives, and unwavering commitment to sharing the Gospel, Stanley has touched the lives of countless individuals worldwide. As the senior pastor of North Point Community Church, one of the largest churches in the United States, and the founder of North Point Ministries, he has established himself as a trusted voice in both spiritual and practical matters. In this blog post, we delve into the life, accomplishments, and enduring impact of Andy Stanley. #AndyStanley

Posted in Blogging

Reaching the World Through Blogging: Spreading the Gospel in the Digital Age

Reaching the World Through Blogging: Spreading the Gospel in the Digital Age – In today’s interconnected world, the internet has become an incredibly powerful tool for reaching people across the globe. One platform that has emerged as a dynamic means of communication is blogging. With its ability to connect, inspire, and educate, blogging provides an incredible opportunity for Christians to reach the world with the message of Christ. As an example of the impact blogging can have, let us look at the remarkable story of, a Christian blog that has been read in around 240 countries in over 10 years.

Posted in Christian Music Plumb

Exploring the Artistry and Resilience of Plumb

Exploring the Artistry and Resilience of Plumb – In the vast and diverse world of music, there are artists who touch our hearts and souls with their talent, authenticity, and resilience. One such artist who embodies these qualities is Plumb. With her captivating voice, heartfelt lyrics, and unwavering dedication to her craft, Plumb has carved out a unique space in the contemporary music scene. In this blog post, we will delve into the artistry and resilience of Plumb, celebrating her contribution to the world of music. #plumb

Posted in Christian Faith Prayer

Honi the Circle Maker: A Story of Faith and Bold Prayers

Honi the Circle Maker: A Story of Faith and Bold Prayers – In the annals of history, there are tales that transcend time and captivate the imagination. One such story is that of Honi the Circle Maker, an ancient Jewish sage whose unwavering faith and audacious prayers left an indelible mark on generations to come. Honi’s legendary act of drawing a circle in the sand and refusing to leave its bounds until his prayer was answered has become a powerful symbol of persistence and trust in the divine. This blog post will delve into the inspiring account of Honi the Circle Maker and explore the profound lessons we can learn from his extraordinary life.

Posted in Cross Jesus Christ

Do You Wear Your Cross or Bear Your Cross Daily?

Do You Wear Your Cross or Bear Your Cross Daily? As Christians, the symbol of the cross holds deep significance in our faith. It represents the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ, who willingly laid down His life for our redemption. However, in our daily lives, we are faced with a crucial question: do we merely wear the cross as a symbol, or do we truly bear the weight of our cross in our daily walk with Christ? In this blog post, we will explore the difference between wearing the cross and bearing the cross, and why it is essential for us to embrace the latter. #bgbg2

Posted in Christian Music Rebecca St. James

Rebecca St. James: A Trailblazing Voice in Contemporary Christian Music

Rebecca St. James: A Trailblazing Voice in Contemporary Christian Music – In the realm of contemporary Christian music, there are artists who go beyond simply entertaining audiences; they inspire, encourage, and ignite faith through their music. One such artist is the talented and influential Rebecca St. James. With her powerful voice, heartfelt lyrics, and unwavering commitment to her faith, Rebecca has left an indelible mark on the music industry and the hearts of countless listeners worldwide. This blog post will take a closer look at Rebecca St. James, her journey, and the impact she has had on the contemporary Christian music scene. #RebbecaStJames