God is the Same – Attribute of God – Day 12 – on this days challenge was to read and write Hebrews 13:8. This is part of the 31 Days of the Attributes of God.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Hebrews 13:8
Yes, in Hebrews it says Jesus is the same. Because Jesus is the same, God is the same too. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Neither God nor Jesus has changed over time. They always have been and always will be the same. This includes Past, Present and Future.
Being the same means there is no change and it is constant.
Even in Malachi 3:6 it tells us He doesn’t change.
That tells me God is constant. He will keep His Word and promises. That also means His Word (The Bible) never changes either. They only thing that changes is us. When we accept Jesus Christ, we are a new creation. He makes us the new person.
If He was to change, that would make Him untrustworthy. That would mean He broke His promises and His Word. That would not be in the nature, or attribute of God to do that.
What attribute(s) do you see in these verses? Feel free to share in the comments below.
Make sure you follow this blog to see the rest of these daily attributes and also the VOTD (Verse of the Day).
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