MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table
Posted in Blogging Blogs Christian Writing Prompts

25 more Christian blog post ideas

25 more Christian blog post ideas – need some blog post ideas here is a list of 25 to help you build your blog. #writingprompts

person using laptop
Posted in Blogging Blogs

Repurposing old blog posts

Repurposing old blog posts can be an effective way to get more mileage out of your existing content and reach a wider audience. Here are some ideas on how to repurpose old blog posts:

Posted in blogaversary Blogging Blogs

Ten Years Blogging at

Ten Years Blogging at – I’ve been blogging since around 2004, so a good 18 years, but I have been blogging on this domain since 2012, 10 years now! I call my blogging anniversary my blogaversary, a play on words. #blogaversary #bloganniversary

Posted in Blogging Blogs

Bible Gateway Blogger Grid Members

Bible Gateway Blogger Grid Members – This is a list of Christian bloggers who belong to this grid. #bgbg2 #christianblog #Christianbloggers

Guest Bloggers Welcome
Posted in Blogging Blogs

Guest Bloggers Welcome!

Guest Bloggers Welcome! – Seeking Some Christian Guest Bloggers and Writers! #GuestBloggers #GuestBlog #GuestWriter

Posted in Blogging Blogs

How Christian Blogging Can Get You Blacklisted

How Christian Blogging Can Get You Blacklisted – I am going to share how you can get blacklisted by having a Christian Blog. #ChristianBlog

Ways to Encourage A Blogger - Here is a list of ways you can help encourage a blogger. #Blogging
Posted in Blogging Blogs Encouragement

Ways to Encourage A Blogger

Ways to Encourage A Blogger – Here is a list of ways you can help encourage a blogger. #Blogging