Breaking Record 10K Pageviews

10k pageviews June

I’m just want to say thank you to everyone who has visited Courageous Christian Father. Plus everyone who has shared a blog post on their favorite social media. From the beginning of June 1 all the way to the end of June 30, 2014, received 10,417 total pageviews. Thanks for everyone’s help by visiting and sharing to land 10K pageviews for June 2014.

10k pageviews June
10k pageviews June

June is always when this blog gets the most pageviews, compared to other months. 2012 Father’s Day was my best page views on my blog with over 800 pageviews in that single day. In 2013 I believe I can close but didn’t make it. I however surpassed that this year 2014 on Fathers Day with 936 pageviews.

  • June 2012 (5K pageviews)
  • June 2013 (6K pageviews)

I guess the main thing is June is when the Fathers Day holiday is. And since my blog has father in it and fathers day he gets a good bit of pages then.

We have to remember every day is Father’s Day just the same as every day is Mother’s Day.

The main reason I think I got that many is because I’m leaving this blog in Gods hands. God is the one to get the glory for this. This blog belongs to Him. Is the benefit and give him praise. I pray God always lands the people that need to come to it to come to it. I do share my post on social media and other websites but those places that I do is where I feel God led me to share those at. Plus if it lands elsewhere God’s hand was in it.

Keep on visiting and keep on sharing and follow this blog. Comments are always welcome and offer encouragement to me. When you pray please pray for this blog ministry that it will benefit God’s Kingdom. Pray for the lost souls that may read this and become found or at least a seed planted.

With your help in visiting, sharing and read, we can continue to surpass those pageviews.

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