International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Posted in Christian Holidays

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

International Holocaust Remembrance Day – A day to remember the tragic events of the Holocaust that occurred during the Second World War (World War II). #HolocaustRemembranceDay

Hiroshima Day
Posted in Holidays

Hiroshima Day

Hiroshima Day – The day the United States bombed Japan with nuclear weapons over the City Hiroshima. #HiroshimaDay #WorldWarII #Hiroshima

God Bless America Anniversary
Posted in God

“God Bless America” Anniversary

“God Bless America” First Performed: Anniversary, 1938 – 80 years ago this song written by Irving Berlin during World War I but was first performed by Kate Smith during World War II. #GodBlessAmerica

D-Day: Anniversary - On this date in 1944, Allied forces landed in Normandy on the north coast of France in the early morning hours. | US Army Image
Posted in Christian

D-Day: Anniversary

D-Day: Anniversary – On this date in 1944, Allied forces landed in Normandy on the north coast of France in the early morning hours.