Posted in Bible Bible Mission International Christian Missions

What is the Bible Mission International

Bible Mission International (BMI) is a faith-based organization dedicated to spreading the Gospel and serving communities in need, particularly in the former Soviet Union. With a heart for evangelism and discipleship, BMI works tirelessly to reach the unsaved, train the next generation of Christian leaders, and provide care for those in need.

Posted in Bible Christian

Kiev Bible Factory Stands Amongst War

Kiev Bible Factory Stands Amongst War – You hear stories of fires and Bible surviving, how about 16,000 Bibles and…

Posted in Christian

Russia Among ‘Most Dangerous’ Places for Christians Per Open Doors World Watch List

For the first time since 2011, the Russian Federation joins murderous nations like North Korea and Iran on the 2019 Open Doors World Watch List—the only comprehensive annual ranking of the 50 countries most dangerous for Christians.