Little Jesus Bags – in addition to handing out these little Jesus figurines you can add a little item, info card in a nice bag and hand them out.
Tag: Little Jesus

DIY Little Jesus Keychains — it is very simple and doesn’t take much to turn the Little Jesus figurines into a keychain, #littlejesus (Includes a video of Steve making this keychain).

AI Little Jesus — I asked an AI image generator to create a Little Jesus figurine this is the results. I had it do it a couple of single images and then I had it do one with a football field and one with a baseball field. #football #baseball #littlejesus

Mini Jesus / Little Jesus / Pocket Jesus — The activity of hiding mini Jesus figures in churches, schools, and stores seems to be a recent trend aimed at providing a physical reminder of Jesus’ presence in everyday life. It’s a way to encourage people to remember the spiritual aspect of their lives as they go about their daily routines. #minijesus #littleJesus #alittlejesusgoesalongway